Our responsibility as parents and educators is to teach our children about the superior foods that provide them with the energy and clarity necessary to keep them happy, strong, and focused throughout the day.
It is most important to start kids off right, from their time in the womb onward for the rest of their lives. If parents are setting the example of eating Twinkies and potato chips, kids can be expected to follow that example. In an article by Victoria Boutenko, titled “The Imprinting of Eating Habits,” she writes that the period from 9 to 18 months is when children establish the strongest connection in their minds for what they see those around them eating and form their own expectations for eating that same food. Most people do not realize children so young would already be feeling attachments to the food they view their parents eating. Pretty amazing, huh!?
The easiest way to reach the goal of our children eating healthfully is for the mother to eat an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits during her pregnancy, nursing, and then to continue having these healthful foods readily accessible throughout the day.
Many parents will say their children eat healthfully at home, but when they are out with friends or at school, they eat foods that harm their health. These poor food choices come with many negative effects, including blood sugar spikes, fatigue, inadequate attention, learning difficulty, digestive difficulty, and more serious problems, as the long-term cumulative effect of eating junk foods progresses.
Foods That Are NOT Foods at All That Should Be Avoided
1. Processed, Packaged Cereals, Chips, French Fries, & Breads:
In research done by the University of Stockholm and the World Health Organization in 2002, “Acrylamide is a chemical used in the manufacture of plastics. It was first discovered to be present in certain foods cooked at high temperatures as the result of research announced in Sweden in 2002. It is a known carcinogen and causes nerve damage. Foods in which acrylamide develops when cooked at temperatures above 256 degrees Fahrenheit or 124 degrees Celsius include potato chips, French fries, breads, and processed cereals.”
Breakfast cereals, even those that are fortified, are cooked and processed at high temperatures and contain little or no nutrition. A more healthful choice would be a breakfast of fruit, overnight oats, or a plant-based protein and/or green smoothie, packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Even popcorn and packaged crackers contain unhealthful amounts of salt. Moreover, they are processed at high temperatures, causing chemical reactions that result in forming the toxic plastic acrylamide on the food. Acrylamide can be recognized by its golden-brown surface. It stiffens the food, giving it that crunchy feeling. If you want “crunchy,” eat celery, carrots, or an apple.
2. Refined Sugars in Juices & Other Drinks, Packaged Cookies, Candies, & Other Sugary Snacks:
In an article titled “Diet and Violence” by Edwin S. Douglas, “Mood changes are the result of refined sugars, fast foods, processed foods, and wheat. These reactions can create a constant state of inner tension which radiate throughout the nervous system.
3. Soda:
Soda is in a category all by itself—even though it could also fit well into the previous listing on refined sugars. Studies show the high sugar content in processed foods contributes to brittle bones in children. Yes, children who are still becoming taller are ending up with bones that are weaker. A Harvard study found girls who drink soda more than triple their chances of breaking a bone—especially among more active girls. High amounts of phosphorous in soda are also linked to bone loss.
4. Wheat & Other Glutinous Grains:
In an article by Karen Ranzi, “Healing Children’s Food Cravings and Allergies with Fresh Plant Foods,” she explains, “Gluten is consumed in greater quantities than any other protein. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, triticale, kamut, and oats. Frequent eating of cooked grains, such as bread and pasta, causes addiction because they contain 16 opiates. The chemical reaction upon digesting glutinous grains is like being drugged, causing a sedating effect and continual cravings for these foods.” Please note: oats, in and of themselves, are NOT a gluten containing food; therefore, just be sure to look for gluten free oats.
The strongest gluten reactions observed were from wheat products. In fact, some people are so sensitive to wheat that in addition to its presence in foods they will react to it in personal care products such as shampoos, cosmetics, and supplements.
Acne is one condition that heals when gluten, and especially wheat gluten, are eliminated—both in foods as well as in general personal care products.
In her article, “The Many Faces of Gluten Intolerance,” Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo states, “Gluten intolerance is now being linked to some major brain development and immune system disorders. Depression, migraines, ADHD, autism, and the inability to concentrate have now been linked to gluten intolerance. Immune response triggered by opioid active peptides in gluten may find expression in organs other than the gut and the central and peripheral nervous systems are particularly susceptible. Avoidance of gluten, however challenging it may be, seems a small price to pay to impact the quality of life so dramatically.”
5. Meat from Animals, Including Beef, Turkey, Chicken, & Other Animal Flesh:
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, co-author of the famous book, The China Study, performed many years of nutritional research in China. He observed great differences in the rates of cancer in various counties of Mainland China—even though the people come from the same genetic background. So, the gene theory of inheritance did not hold. He found the cancers were related to environmental factors, particularly to food intake (especially animal protein).
6. Dairy Products Such as Milk & Cheese:
Studies by nutritional biochemist, T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., and others have shown that the main protein in cow milk, known as casein, is cancer-promoting. Casein consumption also raises cholesterol levels. This means that the protein, in addition to the fat in dairy products, is harmful to our hearts as well.
7. Fish & Seafood:
It is now reported that consumer demand for fish has brought 29% of fish species to utter collapse. We have entered an unprecedented phase of species extinction. We have been taught to believe that eating fish will provide us with the basic essential fatty acids we need. However, plant-based Omega-3 fat sources, such as chia seeds, ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, and dark green leafy vegetables, can provide us with the same benefits without the dangers of mercury and other highly toxic contaminants.
8. Non-Organic (aka Conventional) Foods:
Pesticides are taken up internally by the plant. Pesticides cause adverse effects from cancer to nervous system damage to reproductive problems. Many pesticides mimic estrogen and become endocrine disruptors that affect hormone balance and have been associated with breast and prostate cancer, deformities of the reproductive organs, fertility problems, altered fetal and child development, learning disorders, and more. Of course, children are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of pesticides than adults.
Conventional farming contributes toxins to the air, water, and earth. Because we know pesticides contaminate many vegetables and fruits, you should always choose organically grown whenever possible.
As of 2009, most of the organic produce taken over by large distributors gets irradiated. Consequently, it is important to support local organic farmers or farmers who use organic method, who do NOT irradiate their produce.
Foods That Should NOT Be Eaten to Excess
9. Dried Fruit Eaten by Itself & Excessively:
When many first become interested in raw, whole food, and plant-based lifestyles, they do not realize the damage dried fruit (which is quite sticky) could have on the teeth—especially when left stuck on the teeth for any length of time. Remember, dried fruit is concentrated sugar—NATURAL sugar, yet still sugar, nonetheless. So, next time your children have a treat of dried fruit, just make sure they are getting in the habit of swishing and rinsing their mouth with some water after eating, and then gently brushing and flossing as soon as possible. A little tip: you can soak dried fruits before eating to release some of the sugar into the soak water.
10. Excessive Amounts of Nuts:
The diet of most Americans contains 35% or more calories from fat. This is A LOT! When eating primarily raw, whole food, and plant-based, the focus is on a high percentage of vegetables and fruits with the addition of a small daily serving of half an avocado, or a small whole avocado, or a handful of soaked nuts or seeds (for example). This example constitutes a healthful amount of fat without going overboard. That said, I know many raw foodists who adhere to an unhealthful diet consisting of as much as 65% of their calories from fat. This type of raw food diet can be extremely detrimental to one’s health.
Children often require more of the overt fatty foods than adults because of their increased physical activity and growth spurts. Nuts, seeds, and avocados should be readily available to them. Children who follow a largely raw, whole food, plant-based lifestyle will be aware of their physical needs. Often times, the parents will notice that there are certain periods in which their children will eat an increased number of fatty foods—and then all on their own, they will return to consuming mostly vegetables and fruits.
This goes to prove: when you are conditioned to listen to your body’s needs—and are living a lifestyle that supports the signals to be heard—this is all you really need.😊